Compassion Is Good for Business

For those of us taught to treat people right, it's sometimes hard to stomach how some businesses are run and how some employees are treated. Turns out that leading with compassion is actually good for business. 

I've blogged about the Blinkist app before and how great and useful I find it to be. Today's daily recommendation was for Awakening Compassion at Work: The Quiet Power That Elevates People and Organizations by Monica C. Worline and Jane E. Dutton

In brief, there have been scientific studies that prove that if you treat your clients and employees with compassion, you will actually be more profitable—even in hard times! 

Remember this the next time you're stressed and/or fed up either with someone on your team or with a vendor. Everyone—you included—makes mistakes. So just take a deep breath and instead of jumping to the worst conclusion, ask some questions to determine why the mistake happened. (This was also discussed in the blink.)

Not only will your staff willingly work harder and probably stick around longer, but they'll probably be happy to send more business your way and to treat your customers better.

Turns out nice guys can actually win at business.

Takeaway: leading with compassion is a competitive advantage that will lead to happier and more productive staff and a more profitable business.


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