Get out of Autopilot and Slow Down

I'm a fan of automation and streamlining. I also am a strong believer in not taxing our limited mental bandwidth by trying to keep things in my head or by making needless decisions on what to wear. (Those are both their own topics, but if you're curious, reach out and I'll fill you in.)

But habits and autopilot have their downside too, especially when it comes to people and making strategic decisions. 

If a customer or employee has a simple request, there should be a standardized answer. But if that initial response isn't enough to resolve the situation, a human being needs to get involved—and not follow a script. And if a customer or employee are unhappy, I'd recommend a human being get involved right away.

Autopilot can also be dangerous when you're tired and overwhelmed, since you may do things without really thinking them through. A good practise is to "audit" your habits and routines once a month to see if they still add value or are needless or even harmful. 

So next time you catch yourself on autopilot, slow down and take a moment to consider if it's wise to proceed.

Takeaway: Although habits and routines help us optimize our limited mental bandwidth, autopilots need to be audited occasionally to ensure they're still appropriate for the given situation. 


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